
Doing styling at a hair salon is actually a live show presented by stylists and customers. It is like a fascinating live performance involving hair cutting, dye color mixing, hair coloring, and hair drying. Therefore, we turned the hair salon into a stage to authentically demonstrate how design happens.


In continuation of the existing building structure, we opened up the closed walls. The glass façade not only highlights the reinforcing bar structure, but also continues the landscape, creating an architectural space that visually connects the inside and the outside, providing the best visibility of the indoor stage.

利用基地縱深長的特點,切出三段長向軸線,深長的線性軸線宛如鎂光燈聚焦的伸展台,隱喻Runway的空間佈局,訴說美髮沙龍與時尚產業的緊密關係。同時藉由天頂不同的材質,定義空間屬性,由接待櫃檯往後延伸的中央軸線,整合了Mini Bar、染膏工作台、設備室與盥洗室,定位為服務空間;左右兩側的鋼構天花廊道為造型工作區,而這一排臨窗的位置,將會是造型師大顯身手的表演現場。

We took advantage of the long base and separated it with three long axis lines. The long linear axes form like a spotlighted runway, implying the spatial arrangement of runways and conveying the close relationship between the hair salon and the fashion industry. In addition, the functions of the space are defined according to ceiling materials. The central axis, extending backward from the reception counter, integrates the Mini Bar, dye station, equipment room, and toilet, which are positioned as a serving space. The aisles with a steel ceiling on both sides serve as a styling area, and the window-facing seats will be where the stylists play their full roles.


A pavilion is deliberately placed in the space as a reception counter and a guest welcoming axis, like a house in the glass building. The wooden-tone pavilion, colorful dye display wall, and soft but cold steel structure balance the depth and roughness of the base while maintaining privacy to prevent the building from being seen through.


The shampoo area and toilet that require high privacy are set at the bottom of the space to further comfort the users mentally. The backwash room is a cave-like space painted with mineral paint and features an arched ceiling. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere helps soothe the emotions of the users. The outside noise is isolated from the highly enclosed environment, allowing the customers to rest and relax. With the existing columns as pause points in the space, the shampoo area and toilet at the end of the corridor also define and imply the service function of the space.


The functions and arrangement of the space change based on purposes. As the main customer service area is on the 1st floor where machines and equipment are used frequently, an equipment warehouse is located at the center of the space. It has an opening on its left and right sides in order to serve the customers on both sides. Such efficient circulation planning improves the efficiency of workers. The 2nd floor is used as a multifunctional teaching space designed to deliver high mobility. Mobile styling stations with mirrors are placed in the open space to provide a more flexible to use environment.


In this project, we combined different architectural techniques to offer spatial cues and draw more focus on the advantages of the base in line with the architectural texture. The spirituality of the space enhances the impression that the space is tied to the fashion industry, thereby elaborating the value of the hairdressing industry. Apart from building a brand image and allowing for a textured conversation with the consumers through spatial communication, we created a user-friendly and convenient working environment based on the needs of the space users, consistent with the very first purpose of the design.